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Posts: 4
Since: 7/17/2010

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7/17/2010 3:57:53 PM 
test 2
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JUL Send User a Message
Posts: 1
Since: 11/25/2010
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11/25/2010 7:03:13 AM 
Zacate chico
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Chapter 4
The Cassiopaeans get taken out of the Closet and off for a "Test Drive"

Now that we have talked about the wave in more or less "philosophical" terms, things will get a bit more intense from here on out. Events began to move rapidly in our lives which reflected in the channelling experiment in pretty remarkable ways which I will describe as briefly as possible.

Two members of our group, Terry and Jan Rodemerk, were also members of MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, and, even though MUFON is pretty much a "nuts and bolts" operation, T & J thought that some of the material coming through the experiment was worthy of being presented at a MUFON meeting. Thus, they arranged for me to speak to the group down in Clearwater where they were members.

The original arrangements that were made with the MUFON people were for an hour of time, which I figured would allow a little development of the background, some of the material, and a few questions and answers. At some point, however, for reasons that were never really made clear to me, the time was cut from an hour to 15 minutes - 20 at the most. I was in a panic wondering what I could say in 15 minutes that would make any sense at all! I was given to understand, however, that MUFON rather frowned on channelling, per se, and was more interested in the "UFO Cadillac;" you know, like a used car on a lot where you can go up to it and kick the tires. The closest thing I had to that was my own sighting, so I tried to figure how I could work that into the talk and STILL get some words in about the Cassiopaeans. (I should also note, in passing, that it was this very same MUFON meeting that Tom French described in the St. Petersburg Times article as is linked from the index page. So, it certainly was a strange event in more ways than one, as you will see.)

On the day of the meeting, (the official "coming out of the closet"), after the various business matters of the MUFON group were dealt with, and a couple of recent UFO sightings were recounted, the "Main Attraction" that we had been "bumped" for began. It was a talk about the Urantia Book channellings! The gentleman giving the "talk" passed around 15 or more photocopied pages to each individual in the audience of about 200 or so people; everyone got their own copy of Urantia excerpts. While I was waiting for them to finish passing them out, which took some considerable time, I read all 15 pages. I just thought I would give myself a head start so when the man began to talk, I would have some idea of what he was talking about. Bad idea!

As it turned out, the photocopied excerpts WERE the talk. And for the next hour and a half the man at the podium read from the 15 pages, slowly and painfully, stopping periodically to fix the audience with a gimlet eye to make sure that no one was deviating from the program of following him word by word and line by line. Each time he reached the end of a page, he paused and there was the loud rustling noise of over 200 people dutifully turning their pages in unison! This mass turning of pages actually generated a draft in the room! It was enough to drive a person mad. I was DESPERATE! I simply could NOT believe that THIS was what we had come to hear! And, when Tom French wrote in his article that he was SLEEPING during the meeting until I started speaking, you can now see WHY! It wasn't that I was so great a speaker - it was that the alternative was so awful! Of course, I shouldn't be so critical because I am sure that the man reading the Urantia Book excerpts was a very nice and sincere person who really felt that he had a mission to accomplish by convincing all of us that the Urantia Book had all the explanations of the UFO phenomenon. He just was NOT cut out to be a public speaker. His voice was a monotone, his delivery was exactly like what it was: a person reading a text, and not a very good reader at that! Tom French wasn't the only person going to sleep in that room! The only thing that kept me awake was those damned page turning episodes that sounded like 5000 lemmings assembling to march over the cliff! I was starting to wish that the man at the podium was one of said lemmings and that the cliff wasn't very far away!

But, eventually it was over; the torture came to an end and we got up to stretch our legs. After the break, Terry & Jan gave a nice, short, entertaining introduction and I talked only briefly - almost exactly the alloted 15 or 20 minutes - about the experiences that had introduced me to the subject of UFOs, including the sighting of the Black Boomerangs over my house, and so forth. Then I tried to get in a quick synopsis of the kind of material the Cassiopaeans were delivering, and how closely it coincided with much of the research being done in several fields, including UFO investigations, the only difference being that the Cassiopaeans gave background and "inside" info which tended to make the picture clearer and more comprehensible.

Another MUFON group leader was present at that meeting, and he thought that our material was of sufficient interest to deserve a longer presentation than the Clearwater group had seen fit to allow, so he arranged this with us and it was announced at the end of the meeting that we would do a "demonstration" at his upcoming meeting the following month.

We were a bit concerned about doing this in a group setting, because, up to that time, we had very carefully controlled the environment of the project, and there were so many variables involved. So, just prior to this "demonstration" and talk, we asked the Cassiopaeans about it and their response was a bit curious:


Q: (L) Will we be able to do a demonstration at the MUFON meeting on Saturday?

A: Yes, because it is predestined.

That was certainly curious, but, as things turned out, more curious than we ever could have supposed.

At the second MUFON meeting and demonstration, one of the more skeptical participants brought some sort of gadget up to the table where we were seated - I think it was a gauss meter - and set it up beside us. He had adjusted it to the ambient EM of the room with a full occupancy and many people standing in the rear and around the sides. (I want to explain that it has taken me several days to get this page on the website because I wanted to transcribe the tapes of that meeting so that the reader can sort of have a "fly on the wall" insight as to what was going on at the time.)

Jan gave a short introduction where she explained that she was not a "believer," and even had many doubts about the UFO/Alien reality. This was due, she explained, to her lack of having ever had any kind of personal "experience." However, because her husband, Terry, was very deeply involved in studying such phenomena (having had a number of his own experiences through the years), in solidarity with him, she had become involved in MUFON and was, at the time, the acting Secretary of the Hillsborough/Pinellas Counties chapter. She and Terry also edited, published, and often wrote articles for, the area MUFON newsletter.

But, even so, as Jan confessed, she was NOT a believer, though she found the ideas presented by the Cassiopaeans to be fascinating.

After Jan's few remarks, she turned the podium over to me and I went through a brief recapitulation of the long process we went through over several years before the Cassiopaean contact was established. I then began to try and explain what the material was imparting to us in the form of "explanations of the order of the Universe," so to speak. Do keep in mind that this was VERY early in the experiment - we had only been receiving the information about 9 months at the time of these talks, so the fact was that even WE didn't know the full scope of what was going to come in the next few years! I will insert here the transcript of my talk from this point:
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Transmitted: 2/5/2025 10:04:45 AM